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Tuesday, 10 November 2015 07:22

Al-Khader Girls School

Known for its vineyards, olive trees, and figs, al-Khader is often a witness to violence and clashes between its community and the Israeli military. A small village of about 10,000 inhabitants is close to an Israeli bypass road and major checkpoint between the southern West Bank and Jerusalem. Almost every day, there are actions by the Israeli military as they make their presence known. In the small area between the village center and the bypass road, there is a girl’s primary school. As the bells rang in early November 2015 marking the end of classes for the day, three Israeli jeeps broke through the gate and entered the school shooting tear gas into the yard and live bullets at the buildings.

Upon hearing about this experience for the girls and teachers, a fun day was organized for the school. In the difficult situation that the school and village of al-Khader face every day, taking a day to play games, paint, and share together can provide powerful emotional support and community bonding to the girls that participate. By strengthening the girls, those bonds continue in supporting their friends and families outside of the school, and then the community as a whole.The hope is to build resilience, create hope, and bring people together.

Power from fun days comes when everyone joins in united. This is done through a variety of games, such as tug of war, beanbag toss, parachute, and relay races. Once everyone had an opportunity to play all the different games and activities, the girls were brought together for a painting activity. After experiencing trauma, it can be helpful to draw, paint, or color, as a way of releasing tensions that have built up inside you. The girls were told that they could paint what ever they want, giving them the freedom to choose what they felt at the moment. This could be anything: what makes them happy, their dreams, their friends and family or, thoughts of their country. Once everyone is finished, you can look at the paper and see beautiful images and words or freedom, all small pieces in helping to lift this community back up after what they faced.

After experiencing traumatic and scary events, it can be difficult for communities to lift themselves back up. These girls and the people of al-Khader are resilient and with the help of a fun day activity, they were able to carry on as strong as ever.

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